stitching away!

While waiting for December’s Garden to come back from the quilters, I thought I would make a wall hanging. So I have been busy stitching away on this
as is my way, I started this back in Feb and every now and then I have been able to get a little bit more done (sometimes I like to leave things up on my design wall to see where to go next!) Once I was happy with what the final quilt would look like I have been busy trying to get it finished.
It reminds me of a spring day but we are in autumn so I guess I can say it’s for all of you who are over winter and enjoying early spring where ever you may be! Only the binding to go and hopefully it will be available early next week.
So if you are feeling lucky, leave a comment to win a pattern, I have 3 to give away. I will draw 3 winners next Monday. (have you checked out Natalie’s blog? she is having a give away too, you never know your luck!)

Bye for now
Gail xx

PS the fabric range is called Little Lulu’s by Maywood Studio

getting ready for Christmas

Now you will all probably have figured out that I love Christmas…..and Christmas stitcheries, quilts, fabric and anything else (in fact I still have a lot of old Christmas cards..too nice to throw away LOL), so I am excited to be designing some projects for Foothills Fabric and Threads . They are having a "getting ready for Christmas" workshop in July and along with Natalie and Leesa I will be there for a fabulous day of stitching and eating and generally having a lot of fun!!
Here is a little teaser for what I have started

P1020723_4so check out their blog for all the details and maybe I will see you there?

Bye for now
Gail xx

What a lovely day

We had at Candleberry Country on Sunday. I saw lots of people I knew, it was lovely to catch up with Kerryn and Trudy as well as Natalie and Rosie. Viv Robinson had some great stitcheries including this one,
and Jennifer Knol, Natalie Lymer and Rosie had some wonderful projects. Helen and I were able to catch up with each other, I don’t see her much since she moved but it was nice to spend the day with her.
Here she is with one of Natalie’s projects:P1020699_2   

December’s Garden has been packed off to Melinda to work her magic quilting it and I am going well with the pattern writing process………not long to go!!

Gail xx

the last 2

Here are the last 2 blocks in December’s Garden BOM. I have started the pattern writing process but it’s a bit slow. School went back today and I had a very quiet day!

Block 8


Block 9


This term is a bit quieter than first term. On Sunday I am heading down to Yarragon with my friend (and ex neighbour!) Helen. We are sure to have a great day at Candleberry Country it is always a lot of fun.

Have a great week!!

Gail xx

Blocks 6 & 7

Block 6


and Block 7


this was so much fun to do and I am really loving needleturn applique now!!!

I will have to teach my sister as she has never done it before and wants to make this quilt….

School is back on Monday with 3 exhausted boys after 5 days at Cubaree in Gembrook…….poor son No 1 hasn’t had any time to sleep…..I guess he will make up for it this weekend!

Have a great weekend, hope you can get some stitching in!!

