Block 1

Last Thursday night was the second class for Decembers Garden and the girls had some show and tell.

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They look great and both Pam and Kerry were very pleased…now for block 2!!

I have been very relaxed these school holidays so have not had much inspiration to design!!! I took 2 boys to the Melbourne show on Friday which was a lovely day, very busy and lots to see and do. Unfortunately Liam always thinks that the fast scary ride looks okay but once he is on…….get me off!!!
and of course for anyone who lives in Victoria..the football grand final was on Saturday…I was glad Hawthorn won……..what a fun day also!!

Off I go now to the sewing room to see if I can conjure up anything with my pencil and paper!!!!

Bye for now


6 thoughts on “Block 1”

  1. glad you are having a relaxing time…..I loved the game on Saturday and it was good the Hawks won…since my team wasn’t playing it didn’t matter to me who won….well that is what I said at the beginning….! LOL

  2. This is the first time into your site. Another friend told me about your great BOM. Thank you doing this for us. I look forward to all the others.

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