
I’m nearly packed!

I am nearly all packed for my little trip down to Hobart, can't wait to catch up with all the Tassie girls.

As promised, here is a photo of the second repro quilt….it's just a top at the moment, I will start to quilt it next week. …and I will think of a name too!!


And look at my Dear Jane!!!! I am up to 98 blocks now so I thought it might be time to put some together…


I am very pleased with the way it is coming along…sometimes to the point of doing no work….just don't tell anyone!!  I have also had my nose in a couple of books…..The Lovely Bones has been my night time reading this week….I am nearly at the end…….maybe I should see if dinner will cook itself while I finish it…..(and I have quite enjoyed the book even if the subject has been hard going)

have a great weekend….I know Marg and I will !!


Sometimes it just doesn’t work out!!

I have been playing around with the Rural Jardin fabric and just wasn't happy with the way my stitcheries were working out…….so back to the drawing board!! In the meantime, I decided to play with some repro fabrics instead. What started out as one quilt ended up being two!!!

A lot of the time, what I have sketched and how the quilt ends up can be really different!

This quilt was still talking to me right up to the borders!!!


so now I have a new design called "annabella's flower garden" which I will be releasing next week at The Quilted Crow's Autumn Gathering in Tasmania.

Next time I will show you the other quilt using the same fabrics.

Have a great weekend!!


Rural Jardin

Moving on from Rouenneries….

Rural Jardin is the new line by French General and I bought some last year at the trade show….so now it's about time that I started to stitch and make a new design with this gorgeous fabric…



so off to the drawing board…..literally!!  

we have a public holiday here in Vic today… that means I can relax and draw all day and hopefully sew a few stitches!!

Have a good week


look what I bought in Rome

Last year on the way home from Norway, Leanne and I took a few days to rest and recover in Rome. One day we passed a little grocery store in a little side street and immediately were drawn in. I couldn't resist these cute little tins…….now I don't like licorice…….and these little tins were chock full of it……but how could I not bring some home with me?


I reasoned that they would be perfect for pin tins….and they are…..I just had a little trouble getting anyone to eat the licorice!!!




they also had these cute little french tins……so……you know how hard it is…….I just had to buy some of these too!!!


now I just need some more pins!!!!



oops….it’s been a while…

February has just flown by and I have been busy finishing all the projects for The Quilted Crow's Autumn gathering on March 27th.

I can only give you a few snippets…..that seems to be the story of my life at the moment…working on too many secret projects…..I promise I will have something else soon….

Quilted crow1

Quilted crow2

and this photo is from a project that will be in Country Threads Magazine…not too sure when but I will let you know when the mag is out!

Country threads1 I have used the gorgeous Cottage Garden threads , so nice to stitch with.

finally…you must go over and visit Cubby House Crafts who has made a project from my book and I am stoked!!! It looks fabulous made with a Simple Abundance jelly roll.

have a great weekend everyone!!

Another Rouenneries quilt

You know how much I love this fabric and since I had some leftovers, I thought I would make another quilt…..(sad to say I don't have much left now!!)

This one has some cute little robins (all stitched in red of course!!) and some hearts too.

Petite red robin1

Petite red robins

it is called 'petite red robins" and will be out soon…ask at your local shop or look online…stockists are on the left…..

Hope you like it!!!


Wednesday winners….

Hi and thanks for all the lovely comments on my new 3 patterns. The winners are

Michelle in Murrumbeena – Provence

Liz Schaffner – My Sweet Home

Julie Dempster – Love in a mist

so if can email me please I will post them asap!!!!!

Homespun came yesterday in the post and here is my block for the BOM "life is a celebration"

Homespun block

I was well into my "basket" theme when asked to do this block so it was easy to come up with this.

And also in this issue……a review of my book "Baskets in Bloom"…along with Rosie's book "A Stitch in Time"

Homespun book nook

very exciting……..I have made an album on the left side at the top so you can see all the projects in the book……have you got yours yet?

Your favourite patchwork shop will have it (or can get it for you!!!)

Back to the machine to finish a project for a mag……..

see you soon


A late give away

I released a couple of new patterns last year and am only just getting around to a give away!!!!

First is Provence

Provence 1

second is My Sweet Home (you may have seen this on some blogs as it was part of the "stitchery club" from Under the Mulberry Tree)

My sweet home1

and third is Love in a Mist

Love in a mist

So leave a comment and I will draw some winners next week……

The mystery quilt I showed you a peek of a couple of weeks ago will be out in June/July in a quilters magazine……and I am excited to say it is not an Aussie one!!!
There will also be an article about Aussie designers… will have to wait and see who else will be in it but we are all VERY EXCITED!!!! Can't say anything else….sorry!

My block for Homespuns "Life is a celebration" will be out next week, I will post as soon as I have a copy!!

Bye for now


This is where I have been

for the last week and a half…….Tasmania

Cradle mountain
beautiful Cradle Mountain

Gordon river

breathtaking Gordon River


gorgeous lighthouse in Macquarie Harbour

Calico crossroads

and you know we were just passing by……seemed a shame not to stop!!!!

(oops……I think I let the cat out of the bag..LOL)

Quilted crow1

and we just so happened to pass The Quilted Crow too!!!!

Quilted crow2

isn't it lovely!!!!

Back to work today…..lots of things to do……the kids are back to school on Monday…..

Enjoy the rest of your week, off to watch the tennis…and do some stitching of course!!!
