More baskets

Hopefully I will have my book next week and then I can show lots of photos, but in the meantime here are a couple more.

Blog 1


I will be having a book launch at Foothills Fabric and Threads in Tecoma on Fri 4th Sept.

to Book



Fabric and Threads are delighted to invite you to the launch of



In Bloom


Gail will have all the samples from the
book on display and signed copies will be available for purchase


 Date:   Friday
September 4

for 7.30pm start

Place: 1553A
Burwood Highway, Tecoma

RSVP: 03 9754
6166 or

I would love it if you could come!!!!!



18 thoughts on “More baskets”

  1. I would love to come – but alas too far away.
    I will send good thoughts your way.
    My class is so enjoying your B
    OM Christmas Wishes. As we finish our quilts (all at our own speed….) I will send pictures via email.
    Thank you for block eight!

  2. Congratulations Gail, it must be thrilling for you. Alas, I wish I lived closer so I could come to the launch. I look forward to see ing your lovely new book.

  3. Your pics look really great Gail! I am really looking forward to getting the books in stock (of course I will keep one myself!!)….I hope the signing goes well…. wish I was there :+(
    x Sarah

  4. Congratulations Gail! I can’t wait to see more pictures but I really can’t wait to purchase your book. What a thrill this must be for your but I know it was a lot of work but also a joy for you. Looking forward to having this book in my hands in New Jersey!

  5. Congratulations on your book Gail!!! How exciting!!! I wish I could come to your lauch but it’s a bit of a long drive from Qld lol. Have a great day!!
    Joy :o)

  6. Hi Gail, I would looove to come to your book launch, but sadly it’s not just around the corner… Hope you have a great night and congratulations!!! Love Jo xxx
    PS Do you think Quilter’s Harvest will be getting any books????

  7. I would love to be there,but it is too long from Sweden!
    Congratulations and hugs from me!

  8. Ahh The tyranny of distance. Seems that none of us can come But I am sure we all wish you well with the Book the launch and all. Cant wait to see the real thing either. Love DebH

  9. Gail,
    Oh how I would love to come to your book launch but……I live a little too far away to make the trip at this time. I do pray for a wonderful time for you.
    HUgs, Barb

  10. I would love to come to your book launch but like so many others, it’s too far away. Congratulations on this important event and I know it will be a wonderful day. I am so glad that you know what the next word will be for the Christmas Wish BOM. πŸ™‚ Sending a big smile across the miles……

  11. Congratulations, you must be thrilled. The book looks like it is amazing. How do you feel about sending it all the way across the ocean to Canada? If I was the winner, of course πŸ˜‰ I shall hope for the best, otherwise I will be on the lookout for it on this side of the water.

  12. What a beautiful set of patterns.It just made my day looking at the awesome detail in them.Good luck with your new book launch,many blessings from Pa.Vickie Shoffler

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