More busy elves

I have finished the elf quilt I have decided to call it "busy little Christmas elves". I am hoping it will be released by Monday next week so be sure to ask for it at your local shop!!!
here is block 4

hiding in the stocking


santa's mail


block 6 ( I forgot to take a photo of block 5!!!)

loading the sled


and santa's garden

P1040066 of course these are just the photos of the stitcheries, there is a pinwheel and a star block in the finished block as well. It all goes together with 2inch squares….so I will be back in a couple of days with more!!

Hope you are in the mood for Christmas!!!


PS the finished quilt will be up at Foothills on Thursday morning as I am working for a couple of hours….maybe i will see you there!!!

6 thoughts on “More busy elves”

  1. Hard to believe it’s time to start thinking about Christmas things already but I suppose it is! Your stitcheries are lovely and I’m sure the quilt is too! :0)

  2. These are absolutely adorable. I cannot wait for the pattern to come out! I’d love to work on it over this summer and have it ready for a Christmas gift. Thanks for sharing your talent! Piece…

  3. Hello: I am from Argentina, and your works are a great inspiration for my, will add your blog to my list of favorites, a fondness, Vero.

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