Secret Santa has arrived!

Lucky me received my Secret Santa parcel on Friday (only 7 days after leaving the US). I came home from work and there was a lovely parcel all the way from Connecticut. I opened the box and looked at the beautiful parcel………and then I peeked…….and peeked some more……..and I knew that I wasn’t going to be very patient!!!!! So I opened it…..and how lucky am I???

Sscs_1 this gorgeous blue bag filled with goodies

Sscs_2 so a big thank you to Tracey who sent these goodies to me. And a big thank you to Chooky blue who organised over 80 people to join in.

My new quilt for Tassie is coming along nicely…here are a couple of the stitcheries that will feature on the quilt..P1020210 I have a few more to do and then I can put it all together. So if you are in Tassie and are interested in coming along check out the Country Quilter for all the details.

Bye for now!!

Gail xx

12 thoughts on “Secret Santa has arrived!”

  1. Oh Gail that bag is lovely – it looks just the right size for quilting essentials and some chocolate!! Love those stitcheries – oh, wish I lived nearer to Tassie – do you think hubby would miss me at all??

  2. How exciting! You got a lot of goodies there! Mine has also arrived but I will TRY to not open it until christmas eve! I can tell you it is difficult!!!
    Look forwars to see your finished quilt, wished I could be in Tassie, but I live TO far away! Happy stitching!

  3. How luckey you are. I got mine to, but I shall not open it before Christmas. I have told every body at home I will wait….so I must do that.But it is hard.:-)
    Great stitcherys too.

  4. Hi Gail,
    Lucky you what a great bag and full of goodies also. Love the stitcheries shame Tassie is a bit too far for me to swim.

  5. What a lovely bag full of wonderful goodies.
    The stitcheries are looking beautiful Gail. Can’t wait to see the finished project.

  6. Oh Gail – I am so glad to see you have opened your secret Santa gift! I didn’t want to be the first but I know I won’t be able to wait much longer.

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