so much to tell

what a hectic few days I have had (but sooo much fun!) Friday started with a haircut that my sister booked for me, very very short and a bit of colour…very out of my comfort zone but I love it!! coffee with Sue and a lovely night stitching.

Saturday was my birthday (too old to mention LOL) and besides hubby pulling up the kitchen floor, I went out for coffee with my mum and out to dinner to a thai restaurant with my family and later snuggled on the couch reading "the sugar camp quilt" (thanks Bev for the loan)

Sunday was the Glen Harrow stitch-in with Leanne and Rosie (the most gorgeous and bestest friends a girl could have!) and lots of my friends (new and old!!) Hi Sharon!!


the food was yummy yummuy…

P1010659 and the stitching great.

After a couple of glasses of wine with the girls on sunday night I was exhausted and so were they.

Monday was lunch with Melinda, Rosie and Leanne to catch up on all the details of the weekend and today Leanne, Melinda and I just had to visit "Ripe" in Sassafras for the most scrumptious hot chocolate!! so tomorrow will be the day I catch up on pattern writing..I promise!

Take care

Gail xx

12 thoughts on “so much to tell”

  1. Happy Birthday Gail, it’s sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! I will have a hot chocolate for you tomorrow – pleased you like the shoes (can pick you up some if you like? lol)

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Gail. It sounds like the stitch in with Leanne and Rosie was wonderfull I am so jealous!!! You all need to shift over to little old Adelaide so we can get to have all these lovely days as well. Roll on next year for Loxton!!!!
    Cheers Sue

  3. Sunday was a great day wasn’t it. Your hair looked great – don’t you just feel so good and special when you have this kind of treat. Happy Birthday for last Saturday as well.
    Bywong NSW

  4. Happy Birthday Gail, sounds like you had a great weekend. Your hair sounds lovely – you will have to post a photo. Hope you have time for some stitching this week….

  5. Happy Birthday Gail…so glad you had a great birthday…maybe some of us that go to Almond Grove could road trip to Glenharrow next yea…wouldnt that be fun…will send you a picture of my bag…Julie

  6. Hi Gail, Happy Birthday for Saturday. I am so so sorry that we didn’t get a chance to meet. We had a great day as well and with any luck something special like that weekend will come around again very soon and we will get a chance to catch up!
    Natalie 🙂

  7. Hapy birthday Gail, sounds like the perfect way to spend it doing the girlie things but then also finding time for the family. Hope the boys weren’t too mad with you for doing what you wanted to do. Wendy

  8. Ripe has the most delicious hot chocolates in the world! Well at least in Victoria anyway, but they are SO SO SO GOOD!!

  9. Hey Gail, if my hubby reads this he’ll know just how many lunches we do! LOL. Have done a post about us and our serious addiction to shoes, hope your hubby doesn’t mind! LOL.

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