Still more photos

Okay so this is my third post about Loxton and I hope that you are not bored with it yet. Here are some more photos of the girls and their projects.


Me, Carmel, Sue and Amanda with works in progress.


Annarein and Viv with the top for the memorabilia basket, there were lots of lovely versions of Vivs project.


This is a photo of the wall in the toilet!! there are lots of comments written and it makes for good reading if your forget your book!!! Leanne drew these gorgeous butterflies and flowers, just under Pam Hollands comment.

So if you are in Loxton and visit Almond Grove Crafts, make sure you go to the loo and leave a comment!!!

Have a good weekend


4 thoughts on “Still more photos”

  1. Thanks Gail I thought I was safe and you had lost my picture. Unfortunately I didn’t take many … too busy doing all my projects. Must write up my blog soon but I was hoping to finish at least one project before I did so but I don’t think that is going to happen lol amazing how life takes over when you get back to the real world.

  2. Bit of a motley looking crew, was hoping you had lost that photo…. but boy what a good time…. I was sooooo tired on the Sunday but have continued working on my bag since I have been home and also started the smaller version so hopefully will send you a photo when they are completed (dont hold your breath might be a while). I didnt take very many photos so I might have to get some of yours I did want to do up a journal of our trip. Thanks for helping make it so enjoyable and fun!!!! Cheers Sue

  3. Yes, and Pam wrote “we create history in cloth” (how divine!) and I wrote “thanks for having me!” I need to work on something for next year!

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