Strip Savvy by Kate Henderson

Another fabulous book from Martingale is Strip Savvy by Kate Henderson.

Kate lives in Perth and blogs here at two little banshees

Her book is all about 2 1/2" strips and let me tell you, she is so clever to come up with all these ideas!

Strip savvy cover Here is the cover, you definitely need this!

SS!this is the cover quilt and is just amazing. I was lucky enought to see all the quilts in the book at schoolhouse and I just kept saying "wow"!!

SS2and look at this…how clever and it just looks fabulous! (I think this is my favourite!)


and what a great idea this one is!!

I can't wait to get my copy, it's on the way!!

You can find it here at Martingale and see more quilts from the book.




All photography by Brent Kane and used with permission


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