
It is Wednesday afternoon (here in sunny Australia…yeah….we have some sun now it's spring)
and I know you all want to know who has won!!!!

Jan Richards (NZ) and Colleen can you email me your address please and I will post a copy asap.

THANK YOU everyone who left a comment, it was so nice to read them all….from all over the world too….and I have spent some time in blogland lurking around some new (to me) blogs!!!!

Here are a couple of more photos of quilts in the book, these photos are not in the book but are spare ones!!!


Pretty little baskets


Thanks once again for your wonderful comments!!! Be back soon!!


PS……If you would like to purchase a copy, ask your local quilt shop to get one in for you or try any of the shops on the left sidebar.

14 thoughts on “Winners!!!”

  1. Congratulations Gail – I’ve been away from blogs for a week or so, so I missed your give-away, but it’s wonderful that you have your new book in hand!

  2. Hi Gail,
    is there also an ISBN-number on your book? That’s much easier in the Netherlands if you want to order it in a local bookshop.
    I would love to have a copy!!!

  3. All the best for a successful Launch today. Hope that you have a wonderful day and sell heaps of books. Also that you have been doing signing excersizes to build up your autographing hand 🙂
    Love DebH

  4. Gail, I love the basket quilts with the embroidery surrounding it, gorgeous! I’ll have to look here for a copy of your new book. Congrats!
    I’ve been working on my Christmas Wish blocks today catching up from lost time this summer. I love working on these.

  5. Wow, Gail your book is so well presented. Stock arrived this morning and Ive just had a chance to have a browse! The photography of your quilts etc. is magnificent.
    And your patterns are very well layed out too.
    Well done, you should be very proud.
    Jane @ The Patchwork Apple

  6. Hi Gail, thankyou for the latest Christmas block, can’t wait to get it done. 🙂
    The basket patterns are just fabulous, love the red baskets, I am going to have to hint to DH for an early Xmas gift. hehe.

  7. I just bought your book on the Sunshine Coast, fell in love with it at first glance. Am thoroughly enjoying doing Flowers From The Meadow. Thankyou! Beautifully photographed, well laid out, a real treasure in my quilt library. So wonderfully country in feeling and style.

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