
5 more sleeps!

well, only 5 more sleeps!!! I have nearly finished my shopping, I left it a bit late this year as I didn't know what to buy! Think I have managed to sort it out and will go out tomorrow (hopefully the rain will have eased by then). It is very cold today, not summer at all, but great weather to stay inside and stitch, which is exactly what I will bed doing this afternoon.

I hope you all enjoyed the free stitchery and have had time to whip one up!!!

I have managed to quilt my scrappy swirls quilt (mocha swirls in the book "scrap basket surprises" by Kim Brackett) and sewn the binding

Mocha swirl1
Mocha swirls2
I did this quilt as a sew-a-long with Laila, a couple of months ago and am so pleased I finished it this year!

I also wanted to show you this quilt, which is on it's way to California to this show Road to California ,

All things xmas
it's called "all things Christmas" and will be with Mary Jane on her booth "the Christmas Shoppe"

It is very exciting for me to have my quilts in the US, I hope you have a chance to see them!!!

I am hoping to do another blog post before Christmas, until then, enjoy the days before, keep warm and cosy while you cook, shop, clean and stitch!




my Christmas gift to you

Another week has gone by quickly and it's time to let you know who has won the full set of Berries and Bluebirds BOM.

It's you Kerry 

please send me an email with your address and I will pop them in the post just in time for Christmas!!!

and now for my 2010 christmas freebie for you to download.

I did stitch this earlier but forgot about it!!!

2010 christmas freebie
 (not another tree I hear you say….but I thought if I continue with the tree theme, eventually there will be enough to make a big quilt!!!)

Download 2010 christmas

I have only included the stitchery for you, I am sure you will all be adventurous enough to finish it off. Just in case, the borders I added were cut 2" wide and then the binding is the same fabric. A little quilting with perle 8 thread and there you go!!!

I hope you have a little time to make one before the big day!!! ENJOY!!



another one!!

Okay, so by now you realise I am completely nuts….I have made another version of Berries and Bluebirds, just to give you girls out there a feel for a softer/fresh version.

still to be quilted…but you get the idea!!!

At AQM, I met the lovely Vikki who is designing under the label of Sew Useful Designs, here we are..


I was also lucky enough to come home with a fat quarter pack of Lynettes new fabric "summertime friends"

not the best photo but the most gorgeous fabric!!!

so back to "berries and bluebirds"…if you would like to win a full set of the BOM, leave a comment on this post only and I will be back next week with a winner!!!

Good luck and happy summer to everyone in Aus, (even if the sun is NOT shining here in Melbourne!)



Berries and bluebirds finished!

So here it is after 6 weeks of solid applique! I have so enjoyed designing and making this quilt, I absolutely love it to pieces!!! I hope you like it too!

Blog B&B

Quilt Fabric Delights, Stitch in Time, Terang Cottage Crafts, and Cranberry Crafts will be offering this BOM.  Foothills Fabric and threads and Mrs Martins Quilt Shop will also be selling the patterns and possibly starter kits. Foothills will be offering it in pretty colours also (I will show you when I have finished it). Cookies and Cream also will be stocking it!

I will let you know when other shops are joining in too.

Little bird block keeper is also new and available now.

Little bird sewing set cover

stay tuned for a giveaway very soon……..

Ooohh I am excited, I have lots of new things planned for next year and hopefully will get to meet some of you girls!!

more berries and bluebirds

After a great weekend at Australian Quilt Market in Melbourne this week, I thought I had better show you the rest of the blocks from Berries ands Bluebirds.

Blog block6
block 6

Blog block7
block 7

Blog block8
block 8

I will be back tomorrow with some more photos of the finished quilt and also a few new patterns as well.

I will also be able to tell you the shops who are going to run it as a BOM, very exciting!

But for now I need to catch up on housework and also applique 9 more flowers for the quilt I didnt quite finish last week!!

Have a great day everyone



Silly me!!!

Silly me to take on such a big task as a new quilt in 5 days!!! I started out with wanting to make 26 blocks, then I changed the layout and decided 46 would be good and then I changed my mind again and decided I needed a total of 59 blocks!!!! but they are done and I have cut out the rest of the blocks and to the machine I will go to try and put it together before 6pm. Why 6pm? well it's Jarrod's graduation dinner tonight so no sewing at all after 6pm!!! If I run out of time it will just be a top at Quilt Market and that will be that!

Flower blocks

and here is block 5 of "berries and bluebirds"

Blog block 5

off I go to sew!!!!

Maybe see you on the weekend!



PS, just got back from graduation. Jarrod received 2 academic awards, one for maths methods and one for specialist maths, so proud of him!!

block 4

Here is block 4, can you see how it will all go together yet? I so love this quilt, and had such fun making it.

Blog block 4
 even the little flowers were easy to applique!!

I am busy writing patterns now and trying to take photos of my 3 new quilts, but I just have nowhere to hang them! doesn't help when the wind blows either!

Jarrod has his last exam today, so at 1.30pm he will officially finish school, I am so proud of him, he has worked really hard this year and deserves to do well. (he is pretty confident he has!!)

Now I am trying to figure out next year for Keegan as he is doing yr12 and can't get one of the subjects he wants…

So back to the grindstone to get everything finished for AQM in 2 weeks, looking forward to catching up with Nat and having a great time meeting all our great shop owners!

Unitl next time!!



blocks 2 and 3

So, I was going to be back a bit earlier with these blocks but you know how life gets in the way!!!

this is block two, with 2 more bluebirds and lots more berries and leaves…

Block2 blog
and this is block 3…

Block 3 blog
I am loving this quilt and am looking forward to having it finished. all the borders are on and the job this weekend is to quilt it. Then the horrible part of writing the pattern…I dont really like this at all…but I love it when it is finished!

Jarrod has only 2 exams left, Monday and Wednesday and then it's all over for high school…..he is so excited and so am I. Then I get to do it all over again next year with Keegan in Yr 12!!

I have also finished the Little Bird sewing set Pattern which will be ready on Monday to go out to shops.

Little bird
that's all for now, have a great weekend, I am off to help my sister move house and then some quilting in the afternoon.



A glorious day in Melbourne

Well, the sun is shining, kids are at school, Jarrod has his Yr 12 English exam today, the first of 7, he will finish on Nov 10 and then what???

A great day to be outdoors, hopefully I can do some stitching this afternoon.

I have finished all the applique on "Berries and Bluebirds" and will now sew it all together… is a bit more of block 1

Berries blog1

I am still working out how I am going to quilt it, I have 3 weeks to get it finished for the trade show in Melbourne. I will also start writing the patterns today, maybe, the sun is calling and I may need to sit outside for a while!

think it is time to stop and smell the roses, so to speak!!

Just also wanted to let you know that I am teaching a class at Foothills on Friday 19th Nov, if you can come along. You will need to do some stitching before you come though, so we can make the little book in class.

Here is a little photo for you


I would love to see you there!!! There is also a night class on Wed 10th Nov from 7.30 – 9.30, please contact Sandra if you are interested.

That's all for now….back to work



Busy little fingers!!!

I have been busy working away on my new BOM, (title to be yet decided!!!) with lots of applique, and my fingers are getting a little sore!!!! I have been using lots of repro fabrics and am loving it!!

I will tell you it has lots of bluebirds and lots of little berries….

so I am hoping this will be finished for the AQM in Melbourne in November……almost there but still some applique to do.

I have had a busy week with the family too, as Keegan turned 17, Jarrod finished school and Liam has had 2 dentist appointments…. not to mention a party tonight, working tomorrow and friends over on sat night!!!  Life is just so busy with teenagers!! At least I have had some chocolate to keep me going!!!

back next week with a bit more to show you, meanwhile I have a date with a needle and thread!!!

Have a great weekend!!



PS I have added a couple of shops to purchase patterns list on the left… Patchwork Friendsy and The Christmas Shoppe