what a hectic few days I have had (but sooo much fun!) Friday started with a haircut that my sister booked for me, very very short and a bit of colour…very out of my comfort zone but I love it!! coffee with Sue and a lovely night stitching.
Saturday was my birthday (too old to mention LOL) and besides hubby pulling up the kitchen floor, I went out for coffee with my mum and out to dinner to a thai restaurant with my family and later snuggled on the couch reading "the sugar camp quilt" (thanks Bev for the loan)
Sunday was the Glen Harrow stitch-in with Leanne and Rosie (the most gorgeous and bestest friends a girl could have!) and lots of my friends (new and old!!) Hi Sharon!!
the food was yummy yummuy…
and the stitching great.
After a couple of glasses of wine with the girls on sunday night I was exhausted and so were they.
Monday was lunch with Melinda, Rosie and Leanne to catch up on all the details of the weekend and today Leanne, Melinda and I just had to visit "Ripe" in Sassafras for the most scrumptious hot chocolate!! so tomorrow will be the day I catch up on pattern writing..I promise!
Take care
Gail xx